This isn’t going to help Donald Trump one bit

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The Trump campaign has hired Corey Lewandowski in hopes it may save the sinking ship that is Donald John Trump’s s campaign. It won’t work. Lewandowski is the worst hire that Trump could have made. Need I remind you of his horrible attitude toward women?

In 2021, Corey was accused of making unwanted sexual advances toward a Trump donor’s wife. This reportedly happened at a charity event. He’s also been sued for making threats to his neighbors as well as fighting with John Kelly, that being a fight that the Secret Service ultimately broke up.

That’s not to mention his ties with the dog killer Governor Noem of South Dakota. This is a terrible hire for the Trump campaign. He is already being accused of having two woman-haters on the ticket. This absurd hire is being done undoubtedly because Donald Trump is losing his mind over his plunging poll numbers and hopes Lewandowski might somehow help.

Only he won’t. All he is, is a coarse bully in expensive suits.What will likely wind up happening is the Trump campaign will talk about meaningful issues even LESS. That was then, and this is now. It’s not 2016 anymore.

We have whole crops of new voters who are turned off by the slime bag that is Lewandowski, and these voters most definitely do not like to see the type of bullying campaign tactics this man is known for. I predict this brand-spanking new hire will only serve to worsen Trump’s already precarious situation.

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