Donald Trump is having a totally manic meltdown about how he’s losing to Kamala Harris

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Thank you so much! - Bill Palmer

Donald Trump appears to have quit Twitter already, after having resumed tweeting for barely a day. But the old coot is still ranting on his own Truth Social platform, and suffice it to say that he’s getting more than a bit manic today. In fact he’s making post after whiny post, most of them focused on how he’s losing to Kamala Harris.

For instance Trump has announced that “Kamala is leading the crooked charge!” Anyone know what that’s supposed to mean? Trump certainly doesn’t. It gets weirder.

Trump also declared this with no context: “Google trying to rig the Election!” Then he decided to try to explain himself in a separate post by yelling “Wow! Google and the Harris Campaign are manipulating stories. Is this legal???” Still no idea what he’s talking about.

Trump then announced that “Everywhere Kamala Harris has gone she has been followed by failure and suffering.” No, Donald, you’re thinking of yourself.

Trump also decided to rant and rave about how he’s still under gag order in his New York criminal trial, insisting that it’s “the old Soviet Union!”. That’s right, he’s complaining that he’s not allowed to attack the witnesses or jurors in a criminal trial in which he was convicted for thirty-four felonies.

Donald Trump finished his manic ranting by declaring that “The stupid people are at it again!” For once he’s right. He just forgot to look in the mirror.

Note from Bill Palmer: Palmer Report knows how to fight and win. We're going to win this election. But we need your help. We have operating expenses from website hosting to research. If each of you can donate either $5, $25, or $47, it'll make a huge difference. Help Palmer report keep fighting for you:
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Thank you so much! - Bill Palmer