The JD Vance nightmare comes full circle

The bad news keeps on coming for cat hater JD Vance. This news, however, is particularly sordid. “Nightmare work conditions.” In 2017, Vance backed a company called AppHarvest โ Vance put $150,000 into the start-up.
That’s a lot of bread. But perhaps JD didn’t butter his bread carefully enough. The worker conditions at this company are being reported on right now, and reportedly, they were squalid.
Vance also had a seat on their board of directors. The company, which has now gone bankrupt, is reported to have exposed its workers to temperatures up to 128 degrees.
This comes from former workers, many who are undoubtedly more than a little upset. Workers have filed complaints saying they were not given sufficient water breaks. Some say they suffered heat injuries. Some say they suffered heat exhaustion. Some says that ambulances visited the company every week.
“I had to bring in my own N95 masks because I was getting sick from the amount of mold and just nasty stuff that was in there.” According to workers, many were also scolded for being hospitalized and told that doctors’ notes were not sufficient excuses to be out of work.
A Vance spokesperson was contacted, and insists Vance “was not aware” of any of this. Right. I mean I suppose it’s possible. But the man sat on the board of directors. It’s hard for this writer to believe he was totally unaware of everything.
My friends, there is NOTHING that riles me up more than stories like this. Corporate America can sometimes be a monster. In this case, if all of this is indeed true, they were indeed monstrous.
But Vance is the ultimate company man, is he not? I do not accept this excuse that the man was stunned and did not know anything. Perhaps it’s true. But Vance lies so much it is impossible to know. I call for Vance to explain himself. Of course, he won’t. Lying, covering up, and making light of important issues is the Vance way.