Donald Trump is in a tailspin

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Donald John Trump’s threats of suing people are, for the most part, merely rain pouring down in Seattle, Washington. They’re frequent, they’re daily, they drip with misery, and they usually end soon quickly, to soon be followed by more of the same the next day.

And he’s done it again! Apparently Trump is hopping mad at the New York Times for doing their job (for once) and debunking Trump’s mad lie of almost going down in a helicopter crash with Willie Brown. Yes, Trump is still insisting that is what happened even though reportedly the claim is not true, never was true, and seems to have originated from that mad animal trap one COULD calls Donald Trump’s brain—or what’s left of it. It’s so absurd, it’s almost comical.

Trump called Maggie Haberman and “excoriated” her for the honest coverage. Insisting that HE was right and SHE was wrong, Donald Trump then reportedly threatened to sue. “We have the flight records.” That appears another lie. How do I know? Because there are no flight records to have. Trump makes it up as he goes along.

According to Haberman, when she asked to see those flight records, Trump responded in a singing voice, sounding less like an adult and more like a freshly burped baby, which he is. There will be more rain in Seattle sometime soon. I have spent time there, and the rainy deluge from her skies is constant there.

Tomorrow — or the day after that – or the day after there will likely be yet ANOTHER threat from Donald Trump to sue someone. Perhaps it will be another reporter – or a judge — or a politician — who knows? The possibilities are endless. But one thing is certain: it’s all just part of the same predictable pattern.

And like the summer squalls, these threats too will end. Trump has sued a lot, true. But the amount of people he has THREATENED to sue and not done it far outweighs the ones that he did.

Trump is a threat machine, a litigation fountain, bubbling with lawyer’s letters and ideas of revenge even for slights that never happened. It’s as much a part of his DNA as rain is to the Pacific Northwest, as the sun is to Florida, as losing is to Donald Trump’s wretched , utterly miserable campaigns.

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