New trouble for Donald Trump and JD Vance

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Ben Domenech is married to Meghan McCain. He is also the editor of the Spectator and a Fox News Contributor.

He says there is a “non-zero chance” that Trump will fire JD Vance.

“Turmp is losing this race and he knows it.”

Ben explains that the idea of Trump firing Vance may seem “farfetched,” but he thinks it will happen. Trump sees that his choice for VP has been a miserable failure.

“Vance has been getting beaten up without showing a strong capability to fight back.”

The idea of Vance being dropped from the ticket appeals to this writer considerably because this writer cannot stand him. Still, it would not be easy to do. Trump had only a limited amount of time to do this, and deadlines have passed. Still, Vance’s performance as the nominee has been so achingly horrible, and Trump is so well known to skirt the law that it wouldn’t shock me if this happened.

And he’s not the only one saying it. Many are chattering — still — after ALL this time, about the worst VP pick in history. There appear to be a lot of individuals who think that Vance will soon be history.

For a typical candidate, some remark, all he’d have had to have done is apologize for that silly cat comment.

Instead, Vance doubled down. He seems to be putting his ego before his desire to win, and that kind of thing isn’t done — or not done without consequences.

In ancient Greek Mythology, one hears (and heeds) the timeless tale of Narcissus as I’ve mentioned before. Vance reminds me strongly of this self-centered, pouty lad. Vance must know which way the wind is blowing. He must hear the rumblings of exasperation. He must hear it ALL, yet he does not appear to care. Is there anything more narcissistic than that?

Note from Bill Palmer: Palmer Report knows how to fight and win. We're going to win this election. But we need your help. We have operating expenses from website hosting to research. If each of you can donate either $5, $25, or $47, it'll make a huge difference. Help Palmer report keep fighting for you:
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