Time for Trump to face the music

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Remember when Donald Trump said he knew nothing about Project 2025 or who is in charge? The Washington Post burst that lie wide open with a photograph of Trump and the Heritage Foundation president sharing a private plan to a conference. Trump also managed to find a liar of equal proportions, when JD Vance said that housing prices are up because of immigrants, and he also wrote the forward for Project 2025. These are the people who want to run our country. No thanks. People who speak positive to light and genuinely want to help the American people preferred, and we have them.

Harris and Walz are currently on a whirlwind tour of swing states. The crowds have so far been unbelievable. In Detroit, the event was held in a hangar, and people were packed shoulder-to-shoulder. Both stops in Savannah and Durham have been postponed for Tropical Storm Debby. That aside, the response to Harris and Walz has been amazing, and little can be more amazing than Newsweek’s article: “Kamala Harris Overtakes Donald Trump, Gains 23 Points: Poll.” I don’t normally pay too much attention to polls, but they are coming constantly since Harris became the presumptive nominee, and I can’t resist reading them.

The latest poll of independent voters from NPRS/PBS News/Marist reveals that Harris was down by 14 points in the July poll but has now catapulted to a 9-point lead. FiveThirtyEight also puts Harris ahead of Trump in a nationwide poll, as does RealClear. These numbers solidify the general “feel good” mood that Harris has brought to the presidential election. Bringing on Tim Walz as her running mate has already enhanced what Harris brings to the table. The enthusiasm for these two is as high as Trump’s is low and getting lower. He isn’t traveling as much, and when he does, he doesn’t talk about his crowd size, other than to complain about it being someone else’s fault. As WaPo wrote: “One thing about crowds, though, is that attendance depends on there being something to attend.” Even when Trump does gather his people, he talks about nothing. WaPo also opined that Trump isn’t campaigning as hard as he used to. Perhaps he sees the proverbial writing on the wall. Two WaPo reporters wrote that Trump is “frustrated” with “Vice President Kamala Harris’ energetic campaign,” and he is also complaining about reports on Harris’ audiences. He, of course, calls them “fake news” stories because they’re not reporting on his crowd size. What’s to report when you see dozens of empty seats? Trump had better get used to things.

Not only is he not attracting people, but Harris is attracting them in droves. Trump is boring. He’s still giving the same old spiel. Bless his heart, he thinks his “charisma” is enough to carry him. We’ll see how it carries him on September 10 for the debate to which he has finally agreed. This will be his chance to show what he’s got. He should just face the fact that Kamala Harris has a whole lot more to say than him, and people are listening.

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