This is massive!

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I sit here with coconuts on my mind, watching with utter joy as high tide rolls in with splashy new numbers for Kamala Harris that just might make us all break into song. 9 points. A NINE POINT LEAD, my friends.

This is the newest poll that shows Kamala Harris, gaining a stunning 23 POINTS. NPR/PBS NEWS/MARIST found that among independent voters, 53 PERCENT questioned support Harris. Independents often decide elections.

Now, as always, this is just a snapshot in time. But you see, poll after poll is beginning to come out, and they all say the same thing: that Kamala is erasing Trump’s lead and leaving him in the dust.

53 PERCENT! In a July poll from the same people, Trump was leading with 46 percent of independents, while Harris had just 32 percent. Not anymore! As the country sees more and more of Harris, it’s evident they like what they see.

This isn’t good news at all for the traitor. Oh no! He’s going to be mad! But what can he do? The numbers KEEP ON KEEPING ON, and I have not seen any good news for Mr. Traitor.

Perhaps even as I write these words, the ketchup bottles are flying. We must continue to work like we’re 20 points behind!! That’s the way to win! But good news, my friends, is ALWAYS welcome. And today, we got some damn great news!

BLUE ALERT! We're going to win this election, but we need your help! Support Palmer Report by donating now: Donate $5Donate $25