As his co-conspirators are being arrested, Donald Trump goes off incoherent deep end

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We’ve spent all day waiting for Donald Trump’s response to the news that Special Counsel Robert Mueller had filed criminal charges in the Trump-Russia scandal. This is the part where Trump’s co-conspirators in the scandal are being arrested, in order to motivate them to flip on him โ€“ so you’d think he’d be melting down about the criminal charges. Instead, in a sign that Trump may be too far gone to have any understanding of what’s going on, he’s incredibly tweeting about how much he hates a particular Broadway play.

Here’s what Trump tweeted early on Saturday evening: “While not at all presidential I must point out that the Sloppy Michael Moore Show on Broadway was a TOTAL BOMB and was forced to close. Sad!” On any other day, this would simply feel like a typical Trump tweet: angry, inappropriate, immature, silly insulting nickname, cheap shot at someone he doesn’t personally like. But on this day, this tweet might be the most alarming thing he’s ever said โ€“ because it’s mentally incompetent.

Assuming Trump has learned about the criminal charges, this is a phenomenally weak and small attempt creating a distraction. He’s picking a fight with Michael Moore? No one cares. Even Moore’s fans don’t care what Trump has to say about Moore. This tweet suggests that Trump’s spirit has been broken by the criminal charges and he’s too listless to mount a defense, or he’s become too senile to understand that this is the worst day of his life to date. There is also a third possibility.

Donald Trump’s earlier tweets today consisted of a tepid attempt at bragging about the economy, and a tweet so cordial about President Jimmy Carter that it didn’t even sound like something Trump could have composed. It’s possible Trump is too far gone to tweet anything today, and that his staff has been reduced to impersonating him on Twitter.

Palmer Report is fighting more aggressively than ever on the editorial and activism fronts. We need to raise $5,926 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate whatever you can.