Donald Trump just gave away how scared he is of Tim Walz

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When you announce your running mate, you expect the other side to immediately hit back with whatever they think is the most troubling aspect of your pick, or whatever they think voters on their side will dislike the most about the pick.

Donald Trump and his people certainly had plenty of time to come up with viable attack lines against all six people who were on Kamala Harris’ short list. But it appears they either didn’t do their homework or simply couldn’t come up with anything, because when Harris announced Tim Walz as her running mate today, all that Trump could come up with was “This is the most Radical Left duo in American history.” Really?

Tim Walz is a midwestern military veteran, gun owner, and hunter. Of all the things that Trump and his campaign are going to have a hard time getting to stick against Walz, “Radical Left” is just about the least effective they could have come up with.

Sure, Walz has enacted some groundbreaking progressive policies while during his time as Governor of Minnesota. But none of it’s controversial. And the Republicans aren’t going to be able to successfully tag a gun owner as wanting to “take all your guns away.” Nor are they going to be able to portray him as anti-military or anti-law enforcement, given his quarter century in the National Guard.

I’m not sure there is a line of attack against Tim Walz โ€“ at least not one that changes anyone’s vote. But for Trump to settle for “Radical Left” as his initial line of attack against Walz is just… silly. It shows that Trump and his people have no idea what to do with Walz, just as they still have no idea what to do with Harris.

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