Huge swing…

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Momentum! A new poll from the University of Massachusetts is out. It shows Kamala Harris beating Trump by three points. Morning Consult has Harris up by four. Five thirty eight now has her ahead of Trump as well So does Nate Silver.

This is all because of: momentum, momentum, momentum! When the voters pick whom they want for President, the process is much like apple picking.

One wants the freshest, brightest, finest President they can get. But they tend to bypass the old, the shriveled, and the rotten ones. Now, I will say as I have many times, that this is merely a snapshot in time. But it shows that we have the momentum on our side. Momentum is important.

Campaigns have been shattered by lack of momentum. Other campaigns have coasted to victory because of momentum. Please bear in mind that we have not even had our convention yet!! There is plenty of momentum to be had. It’s been a little over two weeks and just look at how the numbers have changed. Yes, this is a snapshot in time but it is a beautiful snapshot showing us the possibilities of what might be coming in November.

We know how to fight and win. We're going to win this election – and we need your help. Donate right now so we can keep fighting for you:
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