Sarah Huckabee Sanders goes full Baghdad Bob as Donald Trump’s world collapses around him

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.

Everything in Donald Trump’s world is just fine, even though Special Counsel Robert Mueller is in the process of arresting Trump’s co-conspirators in the Russia scandal, and at least some of them will flip on him. No really, everything is just fine and dandy. Just ask Trump’s White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who is so desperate to create the appearance of everything being fine that she now sounds like Baghdad Bob.

That was the nickname given to Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein’s official spokesman, who insisted everything was fine even as the walls were literally falling down around Hussein. At this point the walls are only figuratively caving in on Donald Trump, but Huckabee Sanders is nonetheless out there doing an unintentional comedy routine while trying to insist nothing is wrong.

Here’s a sampling of some of the absurd things she said on Twitter on Saturday, after the news of the impending arrests broke: “The evidence Clinton campaign, DNC & Russia colluded to influence the election is indisputable.” Really? Because there’s no evidence of that whatsoever. “Clinton spokesman just said he’s ‘damn glad’ Clinton campaign colluded w/ Russia to spread disinformation about @POTUS & influence election.” Uh no, that’s a flat out lie about what he said. But this is what she’s been reduced to: coldly and confidently tweeting comical lies as a way of trying to convince everyone – and perhaps herself – that the Trump administration isn’t about to die on the vine the minute one of Trump’s co-conspirators is seen on television in handcuffs.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump can’t even bring himself to address the indictments and impending arrests. Instead he tweeted this on Saturday about a Broadway play: “While not at all presidential I must point out that the Sloppy Michael Moore Show on Broadway was a TOTAL BOMB and was forced to close. Sad!” Based on the wording, there’s some reason to suspect he didn’t even write the tweet himself.

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.