Donald Trump now in danger of bail violation

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Donald Trump held a rally in Atlanta, Georgia on Saturday. The thing is, Trump made a major screwup that some say could affect his bail. During yet another angry tirade, Donald Trump lashed out at Georgia governor Brian Kemp. Now, these two have never had a great relationship. Kemp has long been on the traitor’s shit list.

However, Donald Trump is not supposed to talk about Governor Kemp. Why? Because Brian Kemp is a witness in Donald Trump‘s Georgia criminal case. Twitter, of course, was gleeful. Many people posted about this, saying that Trump had violated the terms of his bail by attacking Governor Kemp.

Trump also lashed out at Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger. The problem with that? He too is on the witness list in Georgia.

“Trump’s an idiot.”

“Listen to him. He’s attacking witnesses.”

Donald Trump seems to have gotten to the point where he has literally no control in anything he says or does. I would not be surprised if a motion was filed this coming week , asking for sanctions on Trump for what he did.

Trump’s Georgia Rally had to be the worst he’s ever had. There were hardly any people there. There were many sociopathic diatribes. And it was impossible to understand what the hell Trump was saying. I doubt even he knows.

I will close with this. I noticed that every rally he has seems to get a little bit worse. I don’t know if you’ve noticed that, but with every rally comes more Trump meltdowns. I have a feeling that it’s going to get worse before it gets better.

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