Even for Donald Trump this is nasty

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We’ve always known that Donald John Trump is a racist. Racism and Trump go together like bacon and eggs. So it’s not much of a surprise that Donald Trump is being pilloried for comments that many say might have delivered a “fatal blow” to his election campaign.

On Tuesday morning, the traitor appeared on a conservative radio show. The show’s name is “Sid & friends in the morning.” Now, the host of this pathetic garbage show, Sid Rosenberg, lashed out at VP Harris’s husband, who happens to be Jewish. He called Doug Emhoff a “crappy” Jew. But as wrong, as horrible as that is, we all know there are racist pundits. However, we ALSO have a racist presidential candidate, and on Tuesday, the whole world heard about it.

Trump agreed with him. Asked for comment, Trump replied “yes” to Sid’s horrible statement. It was the yes heard worldwide, and it started an earthquake. The Harris campaign shared it. Millions shared it. I am writing this article hours after it happened, and let me tell you, people, this is bad. This is really, really bad, like horrendously, irrevocably bad.

“Major moment in this campaign.”

“Holy shit!”

Um — need I say Jewish people are a BIG voting bloc? What on earth could the idiot be thinking? Or is his cognitive decline so very vast he wasn’t thinking at all?

I believe the answer to that question is yes; it IS that bad. What a thing to agree with! Even for Trump this comment is stunning.

“Racist pig!”

I firmly believe that this error came as the result of the scrambled eggs that Trump’s brain has turned into. No way would he have made an error like this years ago. No way, no how.

So yes, now Vance AND Trump are being derided as two woman-hating, Jewish-hating, pathetic, racist, and sexist pigs. Oink, Oink.

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