Donald Trump’s triple play gaffe

Note from Bill Palmer: Palmer Report knows how to fight and win. We're going to win this election. But we need your help. We have operating expenses from website hosting to research. If each of you can donate either $5, $25, or $47, it'll make a huge difference. Help Palmer report keep fighting for you:
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Two years ago, Donald Trump announced he would support “Eric” in the 2022 Missouri GOP Senate primary. The thing is, there were three Erics vying for the spot: former Gov. Eric Greitens, State Attorney General Eric Schmitt, and the lesser-known Eric McElroy. Eric Schmitt won the primary and then the seat in the general election. Was he really Trump’s pick?

While there may have been some attempt at lame humor with that stunt, the fact is Trump was taking pains to avoid a situation where he strikes out yet again with a failed endorsement. Now, two years later, Trump is at it again in Missouri, but this time no one can say he’s trying to be funny.

There are three major GOP candidates for Missouri governor, and Trump has decided to endorse… all of them! Pretending there’s nothing weird about this, Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft, Lt. Gov. Mike Kehoe, and State Sen. Bill Eigel are now all bragging about having earned Trump’s endorsement, according to a report from the Missouri Independent.

While Trump might think he has magical powers, he can’t create three parallel universes and then just go with whichever universe proves to be the correct one. On the contrary, Trump’s repeat cop-out in the “Show Me” state should show Missourians—and all Americans—just how indecisive and noncommittal he is. These are not exactly qualities associated with being Commander in Chief.

Indeed, if you want wacky, wishy-washy, and weird, then vote for Trump in November. The GOP’s reaction to Trump’s pathetic dodge is just the latest example of their unwavering sycophancy. Trump could have declined to endorse a candidate in the Missouri GOP Senate primary this time around. But choosing all three major candidates? This is just further proof that Trump is a washed-up snake oil salesman who should quit while he’s behind.

Note from Bill Palmer: Palmer Report knows how to fight and win. We're going to win this election. But we need your help. We have operating expenses from website hosting to research. If each of you can donate either $5, $25, or $47, it'll make a huge difference. Help Palmer report keep fighting for you:
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