Donald Trump’s last cup of sorrow

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The rock band Faith No More had a song titled Last Cup Of Sorrow whose first line was “This is getting old and so are you.” I can’t think of anything more fitting to describe what’s now happening to Donald Trump.

Two weeks ago Trump was the younger candidate in the race (by just three years, but that part always got skipped over) and his opponent was in the process of being destroyed by the media. Trump was of course still a miserable putz. His every rally speech consisted of incoherent complaining and griping, as he tried to portray himself as a victim of whatever grievance popped into his head, even as he babbled about cannibals and sharks. But the media was somehow portraying him as the new and shiny thing in the race compared to “old” Joe Biden.

Then Biden pulled off the perhaps the savviest and most selfless political act of all time when he handed off to his protege Kamala Harris. Suddenly Trump is the old whiny miserable man in the race who gets confused and has lost a step. And suddenly Trump’s perpetual negativity comes off as jarringly out of place in comparison to Kamala’s joyful and energetic optimism.

Trump’s act is getting old and so is he. He’s a miserable loser who didn’t know when to quit. This election has turned into his last cup of sorrow. And when we defeat him, he’s got three more criminal trials waiting for him on the other side of the election. Trump is falling to pieces, and this election is going to be epic.

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