Donald Trump just made his shooting scandal even worse for him

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When Donald Trump got shot at by a would-be assassin, it represented a political opportunity for him. In order to garner sympathy, all he had to do was react like a normal human. Instead he’s managed to make such a mess of it, it’s turning into a scandal that’s working against him.

Trump and his campaign initially refused to provide any details about his medical condition, other than claiming that he got shot in the ear, and insisting in a letter from Ronny Jackson that he was fine. Because of the sympathy angle, the media let that slide. Even after Trump showed up to his convention with an absurdly oversized bandage on his ear, the media still didn’t want to push the issue.

But then FBI Director Christopher Wray – who was originally appointed by Trump – testified yesterday that there is some question as to whether Trump’s ear was hit by a bullet or by shattered glass. No one really cares at this point which one it is. But Trump won’t let it go.

Last night he attacked Wray and insisted that he was definitely shot in the ear. Now Trump has released another Ronny Jackson letter today, insisting that he definitely got shot. Remember, Jackson is now a Congressman and isn’t even Trump’s doctor anymore. And even when Jackson was Trump’s doctor, Jackson was most famous for insisting that Trump only weighed 239 pounds.

So here we have Trump making a real problem for himself. Now the FBI says that it wants to interview Trump about whether he got shot or cut. Remember, lying to the FBI is a federal crime. So now Trump has to navigate that, on top of answering questions about why he doesn’t want to talk to the FBI.

Donald Trump and his people have handled this shooting so stupidly, it’s turned into a scandal for Trump. That shouldn’t even be possible. Yet here we are. Now we have headlines asking if Trump is lying about having gotten shot. What an idiot.

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