Trump just made his most laughable excuse yet for not wanting to debate Kamala Harris

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Earlier today VP Kamala Harris called out Donald Trump for trying to weasel his way out of debating her. Instead of stepping up and agreeing to debate her, Trump is now trying a whole new excuse for not wanting to debate her.

Trump just released a statement saying that he’s not willing to commit to debating Kamala Harris because he doesn’t know if she’s going to be the Democratic nominee or not. His entire argument: President Obama hasn’t endorsed her yet. But anyone who understands politics understands that these kinds of things are timed for maximum impact. If Obama had endorsed Harris already, it would have gotten lost in the shuffle and had no impact. But if Obama waits to endorse Harris next week after the initial media hype has died down, it’ll create a whole new positive media cycle for Harris. Everyone involved understands that this is how the game works.

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Well maybe not Donald Trump. It’s not clear if he actually mistakenly thinks there’s a chance that Kamala Harris won’t be the nominee, or if he’s just clinging to wishful thinking because he’s that afraid of her, or if this is just a nonsensical excuse to hide.

In any case, as I’ve been saying all week, if Trump falls three or more points behind Harris in the national polling averages, he’ll probably have no choice but to debate her. He doesn’t want to. But if he falls firmly behind, he’ll have to roll the dice. For now all he can do is sit and wait and hope – and as I’ve said before, hope alone isn’t a strategy.

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