Look what the cat dragged in

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As Bill Palmer reported, there appears to be some buyer’s remorse on the part of Republicans in having sexist woman hater JD Vance on the presidential ticket. Many are whispering about this, and many comments he made in the past are being dragged back up. One of them has gone viral.

Many of you may have heard vague references to Vance’s ‘cat comments.” Allow me, if you will, to tell you the story of EXACTLY, what Vance said, and why these comments are coming back to bite him in the ass.

At one point, Vance implied that women shouldn’t vote. He was talking about a specific type of woman: women without children and single women.

“Look at Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg, AOC, the entire future of the Democrats is being controlled by people without children.”

I might remark on the fact that Mayor Pete is not childless. Vance, who could really be any woman-hating internet troll, appears to think only people with babies, with children should vote, as his comments indicated. But there is far more to the story.

In other comments, Vance mocked single women — jeering at them, implying they were unhappy and miserable and that they’d made the wrong choices in life.

But Vance went even further! Yes, there is no low too low for Vance to go. He then lashed out about — cats. I write these words, friends and readers, as I look across my home office to the cat who sleeps contentedly across from me. She’s a tuxedo kitty, and she’s just lovely—all cats are lovely.

Cats are little bundles of fur and joy, are they not? Most adore them. Most love playing with these little precious gifts of delight that always put smiles on our faces. Maybe not on Vance’s’s face Because Vance said something pretty shocking about cats.

The country, Vance explained petulantly, is being run by “a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they’ve made and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable too.”

Wow! Please make sure EVERY person, particularly women and animal lovers are aware of these comments. So that’s the story. I’ve always been suspicious of people who are cold toward animals. I’m even more suspicious of someone who equates “cats” with misery.

These words of JD can’t are being passed around on Twitter and have gone viral, undoubtedly making many cat owners absolutely furious.

“Look what the cat dragged in — JD Vance!”

“will he try to ban cats?”


“It takes a special kind of SOB to hate kitties.”

‘JD, GO AWAY. Signed a happy cat lady.”

In a certain way, Trump picked the perfect running man. Vance is repelling (like Trump). He hates women (like Trump), is not an animal lover (like Trump), and has as much charisma as a rotting dumpster full of garbage.

But Vance will never be VP. We, the Democrats, including many cat lovers, will not let him. Meow.

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