Donald Trump campaign just gave away that it knows it’s losing

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The first major new poll was released today since Kamala Harris became the 2024 Democratic candidate for President, and it showed her either two or four points ahead of Trump depending on third-party scenarios. We still have to wait to see what the other updated polls say. But the Trump campaign is already signaling that it expects to fall behind in the polls.

The Trump campaign leaked an internal memo which claimed that Kamala Harris is merely going to go through a “honeymoon” period when it comes to the polls. In other words, the Trump campaign is admitting that it expects Kamala to pull firmly ahead of Trump in the polling averages. Trying to claim “we’ll catch up later” is not a strategy. But it’s the only thing that Trump has left to cling to.

Meanwhile, polls don’t win elections. Small dollar donations do. Volunteers do. Phone bankers and door knockers do. Voter registration efforts do. So let’s go put in the work now and help make Kamala’s momentum so strong that there’s no stopping her.

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