Donald Trump campaign enters panic mode

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The Donald Trump campaign has now leaked to the media that it’s supposedly spent weeks preparing to run against Kamala Harris and not Joe Biden. Major news outlets including MSNBC are parroting this leak from the Trump campaign without questioning it. But that notion is a joke on its face, easily disproven.

Trump and his campaign surrogates and his Republican Party just spent their convention focusing almost entirely on President Biden, with only scant mention of Kamala Harris. If Trump and/or his people had really been expecting to face Harris, they’d have focused much more on bashing and attacking her. But that didn’t happen at all, which gives away that Trump and his campaign didn’t see this coming and weren’t prepared for it.

Now Donald Trump and his campaign are trying to change the narrative by leaking that they supposedly saw this coming weeks ago. As a general rule, when you have to leak something like that in the hope of reassuring everyone that you aren’t in panic mode, it means you are in panic mode.

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