Kamala Harris’ secret weapon

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When President Biden endorsed Kamala Harris as part of his grand selfless act of stepping aside, there was no way the Democrats were going to dare try to go against his wishes. I knew that she’d be the nominee, and that there would be little if any public pushback over it. But as I sit here tonight and watch how swiftly and emphatically the Democratic Party is lining up behind Kamala, something has occurred to me.

As we see all of these House and Senate Democrats, and Democratic Governors, and Democratic elder statesmen rush to endorse Kamala Harris, it’s clear that none of them are doing it grudgingly. None of them are requiring any soul searching first. They’re not doing this simply because it’s our only chance to take Trump down. They’re doing it because they want to be endorsing Kamala.

This tells me that Kamala Harris, in her time in California politics, then in the Senate, and now in the Vice Presidency, has managed to win over a whole lot of her fellow Democratic politicians. So much so that the minute President Biden told them to get behind her, they eagerly tripped over each other in order to do so.

And that’s Kamala Harris’ secret weapon: she knows how to win people over. It’s an essential skill in politics, both in public and behind closed doors. What we’ve been seeing today tells me that Kamala indeed excels at winning people over behind closed doors – which also tells me that she’s going to excel at winning over voters. Donate to Palmer Report via PayPal or GoFundMe.

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