Donald Trump has got to be shitting bricks right now

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You never take Donald Trump at his word, because he’s nearly always lying. Nor do you believe any leaks that come from his camp, because those are often strategic misdirection as well. But based on his reactions, we do know that Trump was the most fearful of having to run against Joe Biden in 2020. And Trump turned out to be right, given that Biden beat him by seven million votes.

But here in 2024, I suspect Trump has had a very different take on things. The media has been relentlessly, obsessively, dishonestly, and frankly psychotically trying to destroy Biden. All Trump has had to do is sit back and let the media do his job for him. The media has been so in the tank against Biden, they didn’t even bother to pay proper attention to the fact that Trump gave the most inept convention speech of all time, at the most unappealing convention of all time.

So if Biden had stayed in the race, the media would have continued running Trump’s campaign for him. I’m sure that’s why Biden ultimately decided to step aside. And it’s why Trump surely didn’t want Biden to actually quit.

If Biden was going to get pushed out of the race, then Trump was surely hoping that there would at least be chaos to the process. If the Democrats started getting at each other’s throats about who the nominee would be, complete with a bitter floor fight at the convention and lingering hard feelings, then Trump would have had the upper hand.

Instead we’re seeing what amounts to Trump’s worse nightmare. Biden is out of the race, meaning Trump can’t continue to sit back and let the media do his campaigning for him. And the Democrats have quickly united behind Kamala Harris as their nominee, which means that Trump doesn’t get to benefit from any infighting.

Donald Trump has got to be shitting bricks right now, because this is the worst case scenario for him. Now he has to run against a young, sharp, healthy, charismatic opponent who has the support of her party and explosive momentum out of the gate. If we properly get behind Kamala Harris right now, she will win. Donate to Palmer Report via PayPal or GoFundMe.

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