The Project 2025 party

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Did you know that Trump’s choice for Vice President, JD Vance, is good friends with the architect of Project 2025? It’s true. One of Project 2025’s creators, Kevin Roberts, rooted for the Vance pipsqueak to become the Trump’s VP choice.

Did you know that Donald Trump has spoken warmly about many of the proposals in Project 2025? It’s true. Did you know that Project 2025 wants to lower or eliminate overtime pay? You see, they hate not just women but everybody.

Did you know that Project 2025 is a shark lurking in toxic republican waters, hating women, hating the LGBTQ community, hating anyone who isn’t Christian? Did you know that one of Project 2025’s most ardent admirers, JD Vance, says every federal civil servant should be fired?

Did you know that Project 2025 hates you? Did you know that Project 2025 hates ME? Did you know that Project 2025 has not gone away? It’s just quietly waiting in the wings, getting ready to descend upon us and throw the country into chaos if Trump wins.

There is so much we can do to stop Project 2025. Did you know that the “GRAND OLD PARTY” is not so grand? They may need a new name. Maybe we should no longer call them Republicans.

Instead, their new name should be the Project 2025 party. I like it. If you have a Twitter account, you can pin a tweet. Did you know that pinned tweets get seen by many eyes?

Did you know that pinning “Stop the Project 2025 Party” would be a great way to spread the news? Think about it. The Republican party has ended.

In its place, we have the Project 2025 party—a party composed of blank-eyed cult members, old Christian white men (and a few women), and a whole HATE MANIFESTO called Project 2025. So, could you put it on your Twitter account? Put it atop your facebook. Put it in your email Signature, in your online avatar. “The Project 2025 party — the GOP.” Donate to Palmer Report via PayPal or GoFundMe.

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