Dumpster fire from start to finish

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While political conventions by nature are meant to show solidarity of a broad coalition to win an election, that’s not exactly what’s been going on this week as the Republicans are having their convention in the swing state of Wisconsin. The best thing they have going for them is the fact that not a lot of people are watching the nightly debacle. Apart from the dull speeches full of lies, or the Trumpers who decided to put post-its on their ear in solidarity with the former guy, there’s also acts of outright evil – the chanting of the crowd for mass deportations of migrant workers. The Republicans are also throwing around the word ‘unity’ to get people on their side, even though they have no intention of actually embracing it. In fact, the closer you look at leadership, you can see a party that pretty clearly hates each other.

On the first night, we saw Matt Gaetz, one of Trump’s staunchest lackeys, take personal jabs at Kevin McCarthy who embarrassingly lost his House speaker position last year, suggesting that Republicans are still at their stupid game of seeing who gets to be leader next and it’s more important than anything on their party’s platform. It’s far from solved, as on Wednesday night, McCarthy fired back at Gaetz, claiming that the sex trafficking allegations against him from a few years ago are in fact true.

Not only that, but he implied that his being forced out was due to a refusal to block investigations into Gaetz. The fact is that there’s truly no bottom to how terrible these people are. They made a farce out of Congress when they took the House back and they absolutely will if we ever give them power again. Let’s flip the House on Nov 5 as we work to re-elect President Biden and keep the Senate.

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