Darn right Donald Trump is going to prison

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For better or worse, I’m best known as the guy who keeps saying Donald Trump is going to prison. This got me laughed at early on. More recently it’s gotten me a lot of praise, as Trump went on criminal trial and got convicted. Now that Trump has seen a few legal rulings go his way, people are back to being skeptical about it. But I’m here to tell you: Trump is still going to prison.

How can I still be confident about this? Well, for one thing, Trump is still on track to be sentenced in New York before the election, and there’s good reason to expect he might be given a prison sentence during that hearing. The Supreme Court ruling does not change this, because Trump’s actions were taken before he even took office. But there’s more.

The real reason I still expect Trump to go to prison is that I expect him to lose the November election. The polling averages say the race is roughly tied. And the Democrats have outperformed the polling averages in every election since Roe v. Wade was overturned. So Biden is the slight favorite, no matter what the talking heads might be chanting right now. More to the point, I expect that all of you are ready to roll up your sleeves and put in the kind of work – donations, volunteering, phone banking, text banking, postcards, retweets, you name it – to help make sure Biden and the Democrats prevail in November.

If and when Trump loses the election, he’ll then be just about a lock for prison. His Georgia trial will take place early next year. His Washington DC criminal trial, with the charges revised to fit with the Supreme Court’s recent ruling, will also happen. And now that Judge Aileen Cannon has pretty much forfeited by “dismissing” the Trump classified documents case in a way that’ll get the case reinstated with a new judge, that trial is going to happen as well. This is all in addition to the prison sentence that Trump is potentially facing in New York.

In other words Donald Trump has four upcoming opportunities to go to prison, and we only need one of them to succeed. All we have to do is defeat him in this election, and he’ll spend the rest of his miserable life in a cage. So yeah, Trump is going to prison. Right after we beat him in this election.

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