“I came, I saw, I dishonored”

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Laughter isn’t ALWAYS a good thing. Sometimes, they are laughing not with you but AT you. That is the case with the basement Muzak-filled elevator CNN. “Did CNN jump the shark?” That’s what Raw Story is asking along with Tara Setmayer, an anti-Trump advisor for the Lincoln Project.

So, let me explain why CNN has found itself in the middle of a new controversy. It was Monday night, the start of the Republican convention. Many things happened. Many people entered the garden of crazy and evil. One of them was Donald John Trump.

“You can see the emotion in his face!!” This from an awed Jake Tapper, who has not stopped picking on Biden these last few weeks, but when it came to Trump, Tapper merely stared admiringly.

“It looks like possibly even tears on his face,” Tapper said, his voice sounding a bit tremulous.

“That may be the most electric moment I ever saw!” If you are wondering who the person was who SAID these words, that’d be Chris Wallace, formerly of Fox non-news. Setmayer let them have it.

“They can’t be serious. Trump is a convicted felon, adjudicated rapist, fraudster who incited an insurrection to stop the peaceful transfer of power. Stop it.” Ah, but if only they could. The media has a bit of an addiction, you see. That addiction is drama.

Drama here. Drama there, drama landing on their shoulders, leaving them moonstruck, faces scrunched up with — with — with drama. You know of Julius Caesar’s famous words.

“I came, I saw, I conquered.”

With these CNN hosts, it’d be: “I came, I saw, I dishonored.”

They did. They dishonored their viewers — what little viewers they have. CNN has been receiving new attention lately, and it did not just start the other night. Gayle King called them out for not bothering to do any fact-checking of Donald Trump.

“If you don’t know the facts, you’d think he was making a lot of sense.” Now, I will make a prediction. I do not like to make predictions all that much because things are often impossible to predict, but I have one about CNN.

This writer predicts their ratings will dip even LOWER and that their elevator will stay stuck in the basement, becoming more irrelevant than it already is. It’s a shame, too, because these are hard times, and we need our journalists. But we also need them to be honest students of history and current events. That seems all but impossible for CNN to actually do.

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