Voices in your head

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In the following days, through Thursday, you may fall victim to the voices in your head. I ask you not to. What are these voices? Oh, dear readers, we have all, at one time or another, fallen victim to the voices in our heads! These are the silken whispers that somehow get inside the contours of our brains to murmur to us.

They have a color. They are muted gray, and they come to us in the abstract. Perhaps you hear them at night, murmuring like ethereal sirens, singing their malevolent song, telling you to be afraid, be very afraid. These whispers, these softly quiet murmurs that try to etch in our souls a feeling of discontent come to us all at one point or another.

This writer has heard them many times. Through the years, I’ve learned to recognize them for what they are—random fleeting thoughts that can only exist if we truly let them in. So right now, we have a few days ahead of — of — of brats. Republican brats. You may hear things in the coming days. You may listen to the swelling of music, the conductors wearing smug faces of satisfaction as they announce — WE CANNOT LOSE.

You will perhaps hear our party being called terrible names. You will listen to promises to do things to this country that would have her recoil in horror. So — I ask you — ignore the voices in your head.

Indifference is the way to rid oneself of these tremulous voices that exist entirely in your ability to believe in them, that we are all doomed. Oh, how I see this on Twitter! I know how the voices have gotten inside so many, filling them with gray matter and driving them slowly insane.

Yes, it is best to ignore the voices. The way to do that is to envision what we KNOW to be accurate, that right now we have only one job — to get President Biden elected for another four years, to keep the Senate, to take back the house. That voice is the voice of reason, passion, and adrenaline. THAT is the voice we should be listening to.

So shove them aside when strangers come calling in the night with their dewy-wet slime, their urgency to have you bask in their discontent of their lies. Shove them aside and say NOT THIS TIME because that is how we win it ALL.

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