“The comeback kid”

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In ancient Greek mythology, Hermes was the messenger of the Gods, the one who flew around in his winged sandals, delivering messages to all. Now, Hermes was also a trickster. He was a trickster almost since birth when he stole the God Apollo’s sacred cows. A more mischievous God one will never find. If there was a Hermes, he might be playing a great trick on the media right now. See, in the wake of Biden’s incredible rally in Michigan, in the wake of Biden’s reassuring words to the nation, the media is doing an about-face.

This about-face is ABOUT as insincere as the gossipy glint that sparkles in their eyes. The media is now talking about Biden as “the comeback kid,” the one who might heal the nation, a good man who perhaps has a ighting chance to win. The media is wrong.

Biden was ALWAYS that man and has WAY MORE than a fighting chance. He WILL win. But you see, the media is slowly and surely revealing themselves to be as fickle as a God. They can’t stay on track, so they reverse narratives tirelessly. They are losing their audiences with frightening regularity.

But you see, WE know the truth. We have received a message too , and ours is not false. It shows every time Biden speaks to the country; it can be seen in his eyes and in the eyes of the activists who work tirelessly for him.

So, let’s laugh at the media’s false narrative. I wonder when they will get it? Don’t you wonder how long they can continue with their fake stories and fake narratives?

Perhaps they will only get it once all audiences have fled for good. And possibly not even then. They might receive another message flying through the air, leading them to squint incredulously at it. That message will be media in complete and total disarray.

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