Something is really off right now

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I’ve often pointed out that the Trump 2024 “campaign” pretty much only exists on paper. Donald Trump still doesn’t appear to have a campaign manager. He’s only been doing the bare minimum number of public appearances. And now that he’s been shot, or cut by shattered glass, or whatever the still-conflicting story is, his doctors haven’t said anything about his condition. Now things have gotten even odder.

Even as Trump has remained out of pubic view following the shooting, his campaign has announced JD Vance as the running mate. Not only has Trump failed to surface in public (or even call in anywhere) to help amplify the announcement, it turns out his campaign didn’t even have Trump-Vance signs printed up for the convention.

As Symone Sanders Townsend is pointing out, even if the pick came down to the last minute, the campaign would ostensibly have had signs printed up with all the short list names on it ahead of the convention. Instead convention attendees are resorting to holding up “Trump” signs that have Vance’s name hand written on them.

First Trump doesn’t participate in the JD Vance announcement in any way, and now it turns out his campaign didn’t even have signs ready with the guy’s name on them? Did Trump pick someone else, but now that he’s been injured, he’s no longer participating in his campaign and so his handlers switched the pick to Vance? What’s going on here? Where’s Trump, and why is his “campaign” acting as if Trump has fallen off the face of the earth?

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