Donald Trump’s pick of JD Vance as his running mate is about as dumb as you can get

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When you’re picking a running mate you’re generally looking for someone you mesh well with, or someone who delivers you a key voting demographic or swing state, or all of the above. That’s what makes Donald Trump’s selection of JD Vance just so bizarre.

Vance previously compared Donald Trump to Hitler (his exact words), so there’s no chance that these two have any degree of trust or working relationship. In fact the “Hitler” remark is going to be used again and again by the Biden campaign and the Democrats, as they highlight the fact that even Trump’s own running mate thinks he’s psychotic.

If Trump had picked Nikki Haley it might have helped him slightly with women voters. If he’d picked Tim Scott or Marco Rubio it might have helped him with Black or Hispanic voters. If Trump were doubling down on extremist insanity to fire up his base, he could have picked someone from the MAGA ranks. Or Trump could have boosted his prospects by picking someone who’s popular in a key swing state.

Instead Trump’s choice of JD Vance doesn’t help him in any way shape or form on any level. It doesn’t appear to gain him a single vote (Trump was going to win Ohio anyway). And it gives the opposition so much material to work with.

Of all the names that leaked, this is just about the dumbest pick that Trump could have made. It gains him nothing. If anything, it’s the latest tacit admission that there’s very little left of Donald Trump. The guy is so deep into cognitive decline, so low energy, so confused, so listless, he ended up having to pick a bland running mate who won’t outshine him. Trump is falling to pieces. Now let’s go defeat him. Donate $25 to Palmer Report

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