So much for the media’s plot against Biden

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For the past two weeks we’ve seen the (entire) political media dishonestly conspire to try to drive President Biden out of the 2024 race, in one of the most jarringly dishonest examples of the media’s increasing willingness to do anything in the name of stirring up ratings. But in an instant, that plot by the media is over.

How do we know it’s over? For the past two weeks, the small handful of House and Senate Democrats who want Biden gone have been leaking nonstop hype to the media about how the movement to dump Biden is bigger than it is. The media has giddily played along, and has even gone as far as falsely reporting that certain prominent Democrats wanted Biden gone, only to have to walk it back.

But now that the Trump shooting has happened, the media has its new ratings chew toy. Why would the media want to keep working so hard to try to manufacture a story about Biden being washed up, when it can instead get ratings simply by talking about the Trump shooting? This shooting is automatic ratings.

Sure enough, the media has now dropped the “Biden in trouble” narrative almost entirely, just as I predicted this morning that they would. And the small handful of House and Senate Democrats who want Biden gone have now leaked to the media that they’re giving up their efforts. After all, their stupid little game required the media’s complicity, and the media has moved on.

Remember, the polling averages show that this is a roughly tied race. So the media’s “Biden is doomed” hype was all pure fiction. The debate didn’t have any impact on the status of the 2024 election at all. Nor will the Trump shooting likely sway things. What will make the difference is driving mainstream voter turnout for Biden, as we highlight his strong economic and diplomatic record, while calling out Trump atrocities like Project 2025. We’re going to win this, with your help. Donate $25 to Palmer Report

Palmer Report knows how to fight and win. We're going to win this election. But we need your help. We have operating expenses from website hosting to research. If each of you can donate either $5, $25, or $47, it'll make a huge difference. Help Palmer report keep fighting for you:
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