American scream

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I most definitely would not want to live in Wisconsin right now. Don’t get me wrong — the Dairy State is beautiful! With its unending green spaces, gently rolling hills, fish fry Fridays, ice cream stores dotted throughout the state, and love of all things dairy (and sports), it’s a beautiful place to hang one ‘s hat at the end of the day.

Only not for the next week or so. Because the rats are heading into Wisconsin, and their stench is quite foul. Yes, Milwaukee (a city Donald Trump says he can’t stand) is hosting the GOP convention! And people are already on their way! Only they may not like what it is they are greeted with.

“The end of Roe V. Wade!” Yep. Billboards! Billboards in airports, billboards on the road. Billboards are everywhere telling people what assholes the GOP are.

“Remember January 6 this November!” Oops, I bet you didn’t see THAT coming, Republicans.

Not that some in the GOP aren’t trying to counter it; for example, check out the THIS billboard: “TRUMP: LIVE THE AMERICAN DREAM!!” Okay—this one produced a (rather hysterical fit of giggles in this writer). American dream? American dream? More like American SCREAM! A massive scream of horror that went on for four years, and we have no intention of letting it come back.

I like our billboards better:

“Abortion is a woman sex-based right.”

I am somewhat surprised the GOP did not counter that one with a billboard that said:

“back to the kitchen, women!”

Maybe next time. So you see, Wisconsin will be surrounded by billboards this coming week. However, Milwaukee will also be surrounded by blight — urban blight –the worst kind of blight that rots from within, that is nothing more than dilapidated eyesores — the GOP convention, which any intelligent Wisconsinite really might want to think about staying far, far away from.

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