Turns out Donald Trump’s Project 2025 scandal is indeed helping Biden in 2024

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Donald Trump’s people put their “Project 2025” takeover plan out there publicly in the hope that it would lead our side to conclude that they have a magic wand and they’ve already got the election in the bag. But the whole thing is backfiring on Trump, because Project 2025 helps crystallize just how corrupt and extremist things would be if Trump did retake power – and now it’s having an impact on voters.

New polling data says that not only do the vast majority of registered Democrats hate Project 2025, but the vast majority of registered Independents hate it too. Why does this matter? Persuadable voters in the middle tend to help decide elections like this one.

In other words, President Biden and the Democratic Party have been wise to focus so heavily on educating the public about Donald Trump’s Project 2025. When it comes to persuadable voters, Project 2025 is indeed persuading them – and not in the direction of Trump. Support Palmer Report. Click here.

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