Wake up already

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They rattle and clink, they are loose change about to strike the American people in ways few saw coming.

They are project 2025. They hate women. They hate the LGBTQ. They hate everyone and everything — except the white Christian man.

They want to jail women who have abortions. They want to be able to TRACK women’s pregnancies so they can know who had an abortion and who did not.

They have ominous, evil plans for this country, and they are counting on the media to let them carry them out.

Project 2025 is an existential threat to humanity.

None of the things I mentioned above are hyperbolic, and if one reads this 900-page manifesto of hate, this lopsided monstrosity, one would see it for themselves.

Trump continues to deny he has ANY KNOWLEDGE of project 2025. He denies it, even as the truth continues to spill out, that most of the people involved in Project 2025 are FORMER MEMBERS OF HIS ADMINISTRATION.

So, anyone out there (Not Palmer report readers) who is mulling over leaving the top spot blank on their voting forms — anyone out there who has been successfully brain-washed by the media — anyone out there who is screaming uselessly for President Biden to leave the race — anyone out there who smugly thinks THEY know best, that THEY can pick another candidate, for ANYONE out there who doubts the seriousness of project 2025, who says naively it could never happen here, wake UP! Wake the heck up and stop whining and start fighting!

Because Project 2025 is here. . Were Trump to be elected and Project 2025 allowed to become the law of the land; your children would not be safe — if they were women.

Your Grandchildren would not be safe — if they’re LGBTQ.

YOU would not be safe — if you’re not a Trump-loving White Christian man.

DEMOCRACY would not be safe as it would die on the floors of the White House, being crushed — gleefully crushed by Republican boots.

I implore you to wake up, to continue to fight, and to understand the danger is not ANYONE in the Democratic Party.

The DANGER is watching you right now, making its most wicked plans to come in and seize control of our beloved country, ending the American experiment and marching us closer and closer to the wretched autocracy of Russia.

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