Give it a rest already

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The entire political media (including the New York Times, Washington Post, MSNBC, CNN, you name it) has spent the past week claiming that various prominent Democrats think President Biden should drop out. But these same prominent Democrats keep pushing back against it. Nancy Pelosi called out the New York Times for making up a story. Ted Lieu forced the Washington Post to retract its false story.

Now that the media can no longer sell the false narrative that leading Democrats want Biden to drop out, the media has moved on to a new tactic. The New York Times (surprise, surprise) is now reporting that some of Biden’s own advisers want him to drop out of the race. None of these supposed advisers are being named, of course.

This is the same media that just got done making up fake stories about Democratic Party leaders wanting Biden to drop out, and got caught in the act. Now we’re supposed to believe these new claims about unnamed Biden advisers wanting him to drop out? Fool me once… let’s not fall for this crap. It’s time for the media to give it a rest already. Support Palmer Report

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