Donald Trump has a whole new Project 2025 problem

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Reportedly, the term “Project 2025” has exceeded “Taylor Swift” in Google searches. This is good news! It means our message is getting out. But there is so much more we can do to spread it. Tweeting works. It really does. So does pinning a tweet. Why not pin “stop project 2025?” It would certainly get seen!

Imagine if we ALL did that. And we MUST do that. Why? A new survey revealed that more than 70 percent of American people still don’t know what that is. I blame the media, which is blissfully content to talk about Biden’s nasal passages. But seriously. We need to SHOW people what this mysterious yawning hole of GOP women-hating desire DOES.
But tweeting DOES work. I learned that first hand.

I’ll tell you a story. When Jerry Nadler came out against Biden, I was furious. So were lots of people. So we descended onto Nadler’s Twitter page. We told him he was trying to disenfranchise us. We called for him to be primaried in 2026. And guess what? Someone said HE would primary Nadler. Nadler reversed himself.

Now — it may have NOTHING to do with what we did. But I think it just might have. We made quite bit of noise, you see. We must alert the public about project 2025. For if people know, then they’ll go. They’ll flee the GOP like hot potatoes. I truly believe this. But we need to do it together, as a united front against Project 2025. So, let’s concentrate on getting the message out of what Project 2025 is and the harm it can do.

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