Project 2025 blows up in Donald Trump’s face

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When Donald Trump’s people first began hyping Project 2025, they seemed to be trying to scare us into believing that they had a magic wand and were going to win no matter what because of it. In reality “Project 2025” is pretty much just a list of all the corrupt and extremist things that you would expect Trump to do if he ever got back into power. But now the whole thing is backfiring on Trump.

Even as Trump has remained in hiding for the past ten days, he briefly broke his silence specifically to claim that he has no connection to Project 2025 and doesn’t know what it is. But tellingly, he then wished the people behind the project well.

Trump’s feeble effort at distancing himself from his own Project 2025 plan, while also endorsing it, was a major error on his part. He gave away that he and his handlers now think that putting the plan out there was a mistake, and they fear that it’s going to be used against them during the election cycle. And they’re right.

The Biden 2024 campaign is now hitting Trump hard over Project 2025 multiple times per day, pointing out that Trump’s own top advisers have publicly taken credit for the plan.

“Project 2025” has taken all the scary, corrupt, and extremist things that Trump wants to do, and condensed them all into a two word soundbite that makes moderate voters feel like they should be voting against it. If the media ever gets its head out of its backside and starts covering Project 2025, it’ll become even more of a problem for Trump. Meanwhile Biden is making clear that he’s not letting up. Support Palmer Report!

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