Master of his own destruction

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It seems that everyone is being punished by Donald Trump’s attempts to overturn the 2020 election except Donald Trump. CNN (and others) reported that Rudy Giuliani has been officially disbarred in New York (and likely across the country). Guiliani surely has been thinking about the folly of his decision to help Donald Trump, who once again gets away unscathed while Giuliani will be looking for a new career at the age of 80.

According to CNN, Giuliani thought for sure the court would believe him because he believed the lies himself. That didn’t work out so well for him. The court included in part of its ruling: “The seriousness of (Giuliani’s) misconduct cannot be overstated. (Giuliani) fragrantly misused his prominent position as the personal attorney for former President Trump and his campaign, through which (he) repeatedly and intentionally made false statements, some of which were perjurious, to the federal court, state lawmakers, the public the (Attorney Grievance Committee) and this Court concerning the 2020 President election, in which he baselessly attacked and undermined the integrity of this country’s electoral process.” Yes, he did all of that, but so did Trump. Now, Giuliani has lost a career he has had for over 30 years, while Trump is running for president again without a second thought. It just doesn’t seem right. It’s not right, not that I give one hoot about Giuliani. The legal practice is better off without people like Giuliani in it. The problem is that the ringleader needs to go down with the rest.

USA Today investigated the meaning of “presumptive immunity” as it relates to SCOTUS’ awful ruling. Chief Justice Roberts wrote: “Under our system of separated powers, the President may not be prosecuted for exercising his core constitutional powers, and he is entitled to at least presumptive immunity from prosecution for his official acts. That immunity applies equally to all occupants of the Oval Office.” So, harassing and berating Mike Pence was part of Trump’s official duties? This shows just how hokey the ruling SCOTUS handed down is. USA Today pointed out that while presidents claim immunity under the Constitution, this power is not and never has been absolute. While SCOTUS left the door open (just a crack) for potential prosecution based on non-duties, it is still a high bar for prosecutors to meet. What SCOTUS did, in essence, was to escape making a final call. At this rate, these cases could go on for years. Anytime a prosecutor points to something “outside of official duties,” Trump will appeal the ruling.

While Trump continues to get away with his unlawful behavior, Giuliani has paid the ultimate price: his bar license. He also owes $150 million to the two Georgia election workers he defamed. The hits just keep on coming for Giuliani. He might be somewhere blaming Trump for his misfortune, but he has no one to blame but himself. He decided to play “follow the leader,” and he chose the wrong leader to follow. In a sense, he became the master of his own destruction. Donate to Palmer Report

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