Joe’s on fire

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“Fire breathing dragon.”



“Joe’s on fire.”

These comments came after President Biden’s fiery speech repudiating the extreme court’s decision on Presidential immunity. President Biden spoke on Monday night. He spoke sharply, succinctly, and forcefully. He denounced the extreme court’s decision, saying, “I dissent.”

“No one is above the law,” President Biden said. “Not even the President of the United States.” No wonder the Supreme Court waited until the last possible day to render its decision! They’re cowards! I’m sure a few of em are hanging out with million-dollar donors as I write these words.

Many were impressed with Biden’s fire-breathing speech. From CNN’s Van Jones:

“That was strong, that was clear, that was decisive.” “And was history making in its own way.”

The extreme court is the face of cowardice, just like President Biden is the face of fearlessness. So please put aside the machinations of the NY Times. Ignore the pundit wailing. Brush aside the fly buzzing rather irritatingly, that is MSNBC’s Katy Tur. All that aside.

Let’s concentrate on building the TRUE narrative of a good and honest man. This is a man who thumbs his nose at blanket immunity, who scornfully denounces insane court rulings, who can walk circles around these MAGA extreme Court Justices. He did it Monday night, and it was a joy to see. Donate to Palmer Report

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