Here comes the fear porn

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Have you ever heard the expression “fear porn?” Fear porn is what the political pundits and media are doing — or attempting to do right this very second. However, we, the people, do not have to fall for it.

The extreme court decision. Let’s break it down. Trump has no immunity for private acts and some immunity for official acts. This is EXACTLY what most in the media predicted – verbatim. For MONTHS now, we have listened to pundits who ALSO predicted this. I can’t think of one who DID NOT expect this.

Yet now that the decision is in — now that it is in — it’s:

“Jack Smith is done!!”

“Oh no. How COULD they?”

“Trump will never be tried.”

“This changes the cases against Trump fundamentally.”

I’m shocked, I tell you, shocked! Folks, this is fear porn. That’s ALL it is. Think of the last few months and the predictions made. Allow me to gently remind you:

“It’ll be kicked back down to Judge Chutkan.”

“As long as he doesn’t get TOTAL immunity, the cases will go forward.”

The two statements above are the truth. The other ones? Fear porn.

The media has the potential to be the biggest, maddest, most insane gaslighters one has ever seen. This decision essentially changes NOTHING. Yes, the case gets knocked back to Chutkan. . Yes, some evidence may not be able to be used. THAT’S IT.

We still have three significant cases on their way to trial. We have GOT to recognize all the wailing for what they are — fear porn. Yes, the media has the freedom to say whatever they like. That is as it should be.

But that also comes with a price — the ability to lie and tell tall tales — to exaggerate and to use fear porn to generate ratings. These are the weeds that clog up our garden of Truth.

When the media does something like this, it impedes the ability to see clearly. That’s what WE are here for. So, believe me when I tell you that this ruling does not change the fundamental facts. And the basic facts are that Donald Trump’s cases were not dismissed, will not be dismissed, and no amount of fear porn the media doles out can ever change that.

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