So much for Donald Trump’s debate performance

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A normally sharp President Biden had an unusual off night, and a normally senile Donald Trump had an unusually coherent night, but the debate still didn’t swing anything Trump’s way. Post-debate polling suggests that the race is as roughly tied as ever. More importantly, Trump didn’t impress anyone.

The new post-debate CBS-YouGov poll reveals that 54% of registered voters think Trump should not be in the race. So even on a night when Trump somehow managed to avoid telling stories about sharks and batteries, didn’t resort to using made-up words, and somehow remembered Biden’s name (more recently Trump has been calling him “Briden” or “Bride”), Trump still couldn’t win anyone over. The majority of people think he should be out of the race.

So there you have it. Trump didn’t gain a damn thing from this debate. President Biden will be just fine. And now we move forward and put in the work and fight and win this election.

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