Aileen Cannon is at it again

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The drowning in muck, mud and slime alligator that is Judge Aileen M. Cannon has waded into the waters of even more controversy by issuing a ruling saying she wants to hold an appeal hearing on one of the Trump team’s motions.

This hearing concerns whether the crime-fraud exception can be used in this trial. This exception allows for attorney/client communications to be used if the legal discussions were used to commit crimes. This was already ruled on by another Judge, and the ruling went in the special counsel’s favor. Apparently, Judge Cannon is not happy about that and has decided to give it another look.

Now — you do know, of course, that this is nothing but yet another excuse for Cannon to keep putting off a trial date. At this point, I expect future hearings on:

– What time of day is it?

– What Trump had for lunch the day before.

– Whether court temperatures are cool enough.

– How much two plus two is?

– Of course, I write that paragraph above paragraph in jest — sort of.

This is Cannon’s way. If she had her way, she’d keep the hearings going into 2035—maybe longer. However, time is not her friend, nor will it ever be. I am becoming increasingly amused by the flip-flopping of this particular judge, and this new ruling only confirms how utterly incompetent she is.

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