The Republican Party just had a stunning Lauren Boebert debacle today

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When House Republican Lauren Boebert realized she was unlikely to win reelection in her somewhat moderate CO-03 district in 2024, she switched over to the neighboring far right C0-04 district. It was a desperation move, and not a particularly smart one. All that the Republican Party had to do was unite behind a Republican primary candidate that it liked, and Boebert would have no chance as a carpetbagger.

The trouble: there is no Republican Party anymore. The party has no leadership. Donald Trump is essentially calling the shots, but he’s too deep into dementia to even remember who anyone is anymore. He has his family running the RNC for his benefit. So there was no Republican Party to step in and organize support behind a candidate.

In the wake of that vacuum, Lauren Boebert managed to pull off the seemingly impossible today: she won the CO-04 Republican primary simply because she was up against a huge slate of other Republican candidates who split the vote.

To be clear, CO-04 is a district that leans Republican by thirteen points. The Democrats are running a solid candidate there, but they have no chance of winning or even coming close. There’s no such thing as flipping an R+13 House district, even when the Republican candidate is as scandal-plagued as Boebert.

And so now Lauren Boebert will indeed remain in the House for at least another two years, and she’ll remain an embarrassing walking talking scandal for her party. All because the barely-existent Republican Party couldn’t get its act together and field a viable primary candidate against her.

On a brighter note, back in Boebert’s former CO-03 district, Democratic candidate Adam Frisch stands a good chance of winning in 2024. So let’s make sure we go win that one.

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