Donald Trump goes on surreal Truth Social bender about “dementia patients”

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Donald Trump now consistently displays symptoms consistent with severe dementia every time he appears in public. Trump thinks Obama and Biden are the same person. He thinks Haley and Pelosi are the same person. He often speaks in made up words. It’s led to questions about whether Trump’s babysitters will even let him show up to the debate this week.

Now Trump has shared a surreal Truth Social post about how he’s been preparing for the debate by going to nursing homes and arguing with “dementia patients.” Trump is the king of projection, so it’s notable that he’s now directly accusing others of having dementia – and using that word – as a way of trying to deflect from his own worsening condition.

It’s still anyone’s guess as to whether Trump will show up for the debate. His surrogates keep dropping hints that he may bail. But this could be their strategy. If they can lower the bar so thoroughly that the story is about whether or not he’ll even show up, then he’ll be able to clear the bar just by showing up.

But even if this is their strategy, when your candidate is a dementia patient like Trump, there’s no strategy that’s going to allow you to get anywhere. If Trump participates in the debate and flounders, it’s bad for him. And if he’s a no-show, it’s also bad for him.

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