You can smell the desperation at this point

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Time goes so quickly, does it not, my friends? It’s the one thing in this big, beautiful world that cannot be stopped. It whirls onward, a force in the wind, tick, tick, tick, tock, reminding us, with its omnipresent movement, how close we’re getting to the election of our lifetimes.

So it’s best we use time to our advantage as we do our work to get as many voters to the polls as possible. The GOP didn’t get the memo. The Republican Party, already rotted from within, has somehow become even worse since the convicted felon’s guilty verdict. It does seem rather remarkable that they COULD get any worse, but make no mistake about it, they have.

Here’s an example of that worsening. The GOP House is introducing a new resolution! This resolution has jack shit to do with the American people, those elusive voters who have the ability to keep them in power — or yank power away.

This new resolution calls for the extreme court to get involved in Donald Trump’s criminal New York case by intervening and reversing the guilty verdict. They never stop, do they? They are SO utterly clueless. What a ship of fools the GOP is!

This resolution will go absolutely nowhere, but that’s not the point. Has the GOP developed amnesia? Do they not KNOW that they need some type of platform? Well — besides stealing rights from women, that is.

Apparently, all that ELECTION STUFF has been lost in the wind as the GOP, like time itself, whirls onward with their agenda, and that agenda consists of three words, three words that have sunk themselves into the souls of all GOP’ers everywhere.

Save Donald Trump. Save Donald Trump, save Donald Trump, SAVE DONALD TRUMP!! That is the murmur that, if one listened to the winds close to the GOP House caucus (and many in the Senate), THAT is what you’d hear.

There have been no calls to save healthcare, no talk of raising the minimum wage, and no discussion of social security, Medicare, Medicaid, student debt relief, making medication prices lower, or helping our friends worldwide.

Ukraine. Israel. All of that has been forgotten, as the mists of insanity have enclosed this group, whose political chops have turned to dust. This insane, utterly insane resolution? It won’t go anywhere. They KNOW it won’t go anywhere.

This is merely symbolic, but it gives away so much. Allow me to explain what it gives away as I close this article. When we go to sleep and lay our heads down, we see the faces of those who need us. So does President Biden, who never stops working and never stops helping keep America the magnificent force of good that she is.

When Republicans lay their weary and craven heads down, only one image haunts them; only one name cries out in the wind, only one person do they think of saving. That name is Donald Trump.

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