Donald Trump now says he walks into walls and has wounds all over his body

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Donald Trump struggled so badly on the “campaign” trail yesterday, it’s almost difficult to put into words. Even Trump couldn’t put it into words, as he had an argument with himself about whether he meant to say “refutal” or “refuttal” before going on a tirade about “sofe.” But Trump’s made up words were the least of his problems.

At one point yesterday Trump said he keeps walking into walls. In fact he said it several times within the span of a few sentences. He also said that sometimes he walks into walls that aren’t even there.

At another point yesterday Trump said that he has wounds all over his body, and he wished he could take his shirt off so everyone could see the wounds.

In both instances, Trump semi-incoherently tried to play off these remarks as mere metaphor. But there’s something going on here. Trump said that he’s walking into walls and that he has wounds all over his body. Aimlessly wandering around and absentmindedly walking into walls is a documented symptom of dementia. It would also explain Trump’s remark about walking into walls that aren’t there, if he’s walking into walls while in a dementia riddled trance and doesn’t know the walls are there.

Because everything Trump says is so incoherent these days – he trotted out his sharks and batteries story again yesterday and this time added snakes to the mix – it can be difficult to figure out what he’s even trying to say. But when a guy is exhibiting a dozen signs of dementia and begins talking about walking into walls and having bruises all over his body, it’s time to ask if he means it literally.

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