So much for that one

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Convicted felon Donald John Trump lies every waking moment of every single day. Donald John Trump is a virtual stranger to telling the truth. Donald John Trump is the walking definition of lying. Donald John Trump’s calling card is one huge fat white lie.

The big lie. How many articles have been written by how many journalists about the big lie? How many writers have highlighted the big lie, framing it as Trump’s delusional mind somehow convincing his own-self that he was the rightful winner of the 2020 election? How many tweets have gone into the ether about the big lie? Well — now we all know. The big lie was a fraud.

Trump always knew he lost the election. We know this because we now have the grating, ugly, despicable voice of the convicted felon on tape admitting he LOST the election.

During an interview with Ramin Setoodeh, a man Trump would proceed not to recognize when the two bumped into each other months later, Donald Trump admitted — on tape — that he lost the election.

Surprised? This writer isn’t. The two men were talking about Trump’s relationship with Geraldo Rivera. Trump spoke about how Rivera called him — AFTER he lost the election. He called me, Trump explained, “after I lost the election.”

Bada-bing. Trump then tried to back peddle. “I won the election, but when they said we lost.” It was a sloppy correction that did more harm than good. In many ways, pathological liars are a mystery to us all, at least a mystery to those of us who view the truth as absolute, who DON’T lie, and who speak with honesty and integrity.

We tend to look at those liars with anathema, unable to understand them and their insane choices. Donald Trump’s “big lie” was, in a way, his biggest con job yet. He used it, wielding it as samurais would wield their swords, using it to fight against an election that he knew damned well he lost but spurred on, captive to his medieval, brutal, and utterly ferocious political long-sword.

He dragged it out, thrusting and slashing, demanding the American people believe he and only he. It is disgusting. It’s utterly brutal. But as you can see, my dear friends and readers, the pen is mightier than the sword.

Trump’s lies were exposed by the January 6 committee — by lawyers filing criminal charges — and by media companies like The Palmer Report.

This does indeed prove the strength of the truth, that the pen is so much mightier than the sword, that try as he might, lie as he might, Donald John Trump’s most evil con had not a chance in hell of working, and we can see that, can we not, by merely looking toward DC, and knowing he who dwells there — a good and kind man to whom a second presidential term is coming to up quickly.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report