Donald Trump’s mental health hits a new low

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The horrific rotting vines of the toxic plant that is convicted felon Donald Trump’s thought process made a creepy appearance in West Palm Beach on Friday as Donald Trump told astonished Floridians that they should not feel obliged to vote for him.

MeidasTouch posted the video of a dazed and confused Donnie-boy explaining that the trump team really doesn’t care if they vote for him, as so many other votes are coming in. Donald Trump’s cognitive decline is alive and well and living on the grand, sparkling streets of West Palm Beach.

Trump said he was afraid their votes would be stolen if they voted for him, so best not to worry! Perhaps, he mused strangely, not voting for him at all would be the better solution. Los Angeles Magazine editor Ally Sammarco referred to the felon as “the best surrogate that Joe Biden could ask for.”

And so it begins. The realization of Trump’s cognitive decline has been dawning for months, if not years, and now it’s becoming increasingly apparent. One can’t help but wonder if at his next event, he might even endorse President Biden. Perhaps he’ll even tell his followers to VOTE for Biden.

I’d be worried if I were Donald Trump’s campaign team (and thank goodness I’m not). They can take the dog off the leash for a few hours but he’ll wag the mental competence meter every single time.

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