Donald Trump is getting awfully nervous

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Donald Trump is nervous. The thing with malignant narcissists is that they can’t ever show weakness. Weakness is anathema to them. So they try, as Donald Trump does, to project an image of strength and vitality. In Trump’s case, that is not working.

On Thursday, Trump spoke with Real America’s voice. The upcoming debate with President Biden came up, and Trump said he might intentionally lose the debate. Saying that Biden would be on drugs during the debate, trump once again called for a drug test and said he (Trump) really might be better off losing the debate.

Trump said he just might lose the debate on purpose, bizarrely claiming his motive would be to ensure President Biden stays in the presidential race. If these words make absolutely NO sense to you, congratulations. You’re sane.

The truth is not so hard to find in this word salad of Trump’s. The man is scared. He should be, as this writer fully expects President Biden to eat him for lunch. Trump’s mental capacities – or lack thereof — plus his inability to understand the American people and what they want from their chosen politicians will certainly ensure hr loses the debate if he even shows up in the first place, which is debatable on this point.

Gun safety reform. Clean energy. The economy. Abortion rights. Birth control rights. Healthcare as a human right. Rights for people with disabilities. Rights for the LGBTQ. Rights for everyone.

Does anyone expect Trump to argue these issues with any competence? Half the time, he doesn’t even know who he’s running against! So it seems our traitor is trying to lower expectations. He must be nervous about appearing live with millions of eyes watching his every move. He is probably sweating at night about it.

This utterly stupid word salad of his, if anything. shows how unfit he is for office. He can barely speak, but when he does speak, nobody can make sense of what he’s saying, and he is desperately worried about losing the debate.

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