Fani Willis strikes back

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I try to call it like it is. When something is bad news, I say as much. Last week there appeared to be quite bad news in Donald Trump’s Fulton County criminal trial, after the Georgia court of appeals put the trial on hold while hearing Trump’s appeal aimed at getting DA Fani Willis removed from the case. But now things have taken a turn in a potentially different direction.

Fani Willis is now asking the court of appeals to summarily dismiss Trump’s appeal, citing a lack of evidence. There’s no way to know what the odds are of this move working. But if it does work, Trump’s Fulton County criminal trial would be right back on track to take place before the election.

It all serves as a good reminder that while some news is good news and some news is bad news, not all “bad news” translates to a loss. Donald Trump’s Fulton County criminal trial might happen before the election after all. Even if it doesn’t, we’re not going to let him have any chance of winning the election, and then he’ll go on trial after he loses.

Personal note from Bill Palmer – I need your help. If each of you can send $5 right now to help cover Palmer Report's operating expenses, it'll make all the difference in the world: Click here.